French Library

About us:

The French Library was opened on September 18th, 2012. It was established thanks to collaboration between the Regional Research Library in Liberec, the Alliance Française de Liberec and the French Institute in Prague. It can be found in the Study Library on the 1st floor together with other foreign libraries.

What we offer:

The collection of the French Library comprises books written in French, including specialist literature, non-fiction and fiction. Specialist literature and non-fiction is classified by the Universal Decimal Classification, fiction is divided into prose, poetry and drama and arranged according to the first two letters of the author’s surname. Easy reading and bilingual fiction are also available, in addition to French textbooks and dictionaries. French classical and popular music CDs are located in the Music Library. Older documents in French are located in the stack. All documents can be found in the online catalogue.

Cultural Events:

All three partner organizations participate in organizing cultural events at the Library. From 2022 we screen a French or Francophone film once a month as part of the French Film Club. From 2025 we organize a French conversation with a native speaker.


Táňa Holčáková, email:, tel.: +420 482 412 136

Participating institutions:

     Logo AF Liberec (png)        instfr (jpg)